
تعارف قصد الزواج بين مغاربة اوروبا و المغرب
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Ecrire à Soufian
Prénom : Soufian
Age : 35
Etat civil : Célibataire
Enfants : J'ai pas d'enfants
Ville : Qatar
Niveau d'etudes : Sans diplôme
Occupation : Decoration Technician
Poids : 66 Kg
Taille : 178 Cm
Consommation du tabac : Je ne fume pas
Consommation d'alcool : Je bois à l
Handicap : Non
Maladies : Non
Déscription : my dream my eyes a woman settles They are not all women In my dreams live a woman Is for the beauty of the title, splendor and splendor I see her every day in a body The shapes are all taken from a good robe The moon flirts with her every night To take his place in the middle of the sky The planets hover around her wrists and wish If the sun is absent or swallows it in the evening Stars are rebelling in protest To take her from the dark of her eye

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